KONG Low Stuff Flopzie Fox Hundeleke Kosedyr

KONG Low Stuff Flopzie Fox er en gøyal hundeleke. Hundeleken inneholder flere “squeakere” med forskjellige lyder for å engasjere hunden enda mer i leken. Et mykt kosedyr med ekstra forsterkning for å styrke holdbarheten og lavt innhold av stuffing for å minske søl. Mål: 48 x 26 x 9 cm

kr269.00 Inkl. mva

KONG Low Stuff Flopzie Fox Hundeleke Kosedyr

EAN: 035585498126 Varenummer tro634.7202 Kategori , , ,


KONG om Low Stuff Flopzie Fox Hundeleke Kosedyr

The KONG Low Stuff Flopzie Fox has a long body and weighted bottom ignite shaking and thrashing fun while rewarding a dog’s natural instincts. Inside, there’s less stuffing for less mess and multiple squeakers that feature a variety of tones that keep dog’s engaged. While their soft bodies and snuggly fur make these adorable buddies great for cuddling, they also feature added lining to ensure playtime lasts a little longer.

  • Long body and weighted bottom fulfill natural instincts
  • Less stuffing for less mess
  • Multiple, varied tone squeakers extend engagement

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