Menforsan anti-chew spray mot biting på møbler

Menforsan anti-chew spray mot biting på møbler og lignende. Naturlig bitter smak som gjør det lite fristende å tygge på det som er blitt sprayet. 125 ml

Menforsan om sprayen:

Training product with natural bitters and placement support to prevent your pet from biting the furniture legs, shoes, leather material, leashes and any other object that they can reach and you want to protect during the phase when the teeth are developing or when your pet is bored. It is an ideal product to prevent the desire to bite objects that you do not want them to bite, and it contributes to modifying incorrect behaviour during the learning phase of puppies and young animals.

kr199.00 Inkl. mva

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Menforsan anti-chew spray mot biting på møbler

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